Monday, December 06, 2010

Fatty Crab @ Taman Megah, PJ

Super popular even after all these years....

"How strange!", I thought, as I was driving back from the gym one night.
(After just getting off the phone with my mum)

First of all: It's so rare that my parents eat dinner past 7pm, and Fatty Crab? - What a specific and random craving (considering we hadn't been there for YEARS).

Still, who am I to say no to them? :)
(Cannot, cannot...or I will be labeled with that dreaded title of Unfilial Daughter. Lol.)

I was pretty shocked to see the hordes waiting outside the restaurant though:
(It was 9+ pm! This is not exactly the normal peak dinner time)
Outside the restaurant...

Luckily they had a bunch of spare chairs outside for the waiting hordes (which we were a small part of)... and we all sat there looking furtively at the hordes eating inside:

Thankfully, they managed to seat us quite quickly (about 15 minutes later?) but there were no tables inside, so we were ushered to the al fresco area**. I don't know whether we were just lucky/ easy to seat because there were only 3 of us, but I would STRONGLY suggest booking first if you want to go there:
(**On the sidewalk, by the drain. Ah, the quintessential Malaysian dining experience)
Ah the ambience...

You may have heard about this quirk of Fatty Crab before, but yeah it's completely true that they have a severely limited menu selection - 2 kinds of crabs (steamed or sweet and sour sauce), 2 kinds of prawns (steamed or butter style), 2 kinds of fish (steamed or teochew style), fried rice, fried noodles, chicken wings, satay and maybe 2 kinds of vegetables:
(There you have it, pretty much the whole menu in one short paragraph - do tell me if I've missed anything out)
Tools of the trade...

First up, the Fried rice - small serving (RM 5+):
Fried rice...

Overall, ok but nothing exemplary.
(Good texture - not starchy but no "wok hei")

- Sweet and sour chili Crabs (RM 60+):
About 2 kg of crabs...

Overall, the crabs were fresh enough but I found the sauce just a tad too watery.

- Steamed Fish Teo Chew style (RM 36+):
Simple fish on a dish...

The fish was also pretty fresh and the taste was quite appetising when doused with the sour, salty and slightly sweet sauce.
(Some may find it a tad too sour though)

- Chicken Wings (RM 3 per wing+):
Tasty wings...

Strangely, these were my favourite dish of the night as they were crisp on the outside, not too greasy with the flesh still tender and tasty.

At the end of the day, it wasn't a bad meal but I can't see what all the hype is about..... Still, wouldn't mind heading back for some of those chicken wings...
(Mmmmm. Love chicken wings)

So, it's: Simple coffeeshop setting, convenient location for PJ folk BUT limited food selection and please be prepared to wait for a table, whatever the time (better to book first)...

Summary Information:
Fatty Crab @ Taman Megah, Petaling Jaya

Opening Hours: 5.30pm - 11pm
(Closed Mondays. Warning: Open on Sunday but that's pasar malam night)
Phone: 603-7804 5758
Address: No 2, Jln SS 24/13, Taman Megah, 47301 Petaling Jaya



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  1. i cant see how in the world did they win the award for best crab on fried chillies, did ppl vote properly!???

    didnt liked the meal when we went a while ago in their mines outlet.

  2. Ooooh, Alilfatmonkey's favourite seafood restaurant! He'll be so pleased to see this post!

  3. 15 years ago they could get away with mediocre food but not now. Just too mediocre. I wondered if they serve "flower crabs" - Cantonese style

  4. i love their century egg there !! :) the best i ever had...

  5. i did crave for it recently . . . eheh~

  6. to "Joe" who is constantly craving:
    Of course they voted properly - but they voted based on their tastebuds lah. :P
    (Haha.. Hey, everyone has different preferences, right?)

    to Lyrical Lemongrass:
    LOL. I hope so.
    (And you too. :P)

    to Brother B:
    Haha... but it really is still so super popular worr... Look at all those people!

    to Chulet:
    Hmmm.. Didn't try that. Next time I'll order - my parents love century egg.

    to Taufulou:
    I think maybe you and my parents on the same channel/ wavelength?? Craving at around the same time... :P

  7. ahhh, i still haven't been here yet, after all these years in kl. i bet i'd get lost (i've never had to travel into taman megah before) ... the crowds seem scary though! i think they have another branch at mines resort, but i heard that one has cockroaches (dunno if true or not) :D

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  9. I dunno what the psycho lemongrass is talking about. I heard that this restaurant has been royally appointed by HRH The Queen. She has even bestowed the FriedChillies Best Crabs Award to them. I'm sure she's amused.

  10. The chicken wings there are da bomb!

  11. to Sean:
    LOL. Well, that's the typical Malaysian dining for you - encounters with rats and/or cockroaches are a very possible risk.

    If you want to venture to PJ, we can meet up for dinner here to satiate your curiousity... but it's really not that fantastic loh.

    to the eatgod report:
    Hmmmm. I'll check out your website soon to have a look. Thanks.

    to qwazymonkey:
    The 2 of u don't need to fight/ be so magnanimous - you can BOTH love the restaurant, there's enough of it to go around.

    to UnkaLeong:
    They are! :D
    (... but how lah? The best thing at a seafood restaurant is the chicken wings? Lol)

  12. ahhh ok, let's do a pj dinner soon-ish then (next month at the very latest)! but not fatty crab, cos i'm rat-&-cockroach-phobic (i have quite a few sad stories to tell about my encounters with roaches!).

  13. to Sean:
    Cool. Sounds good! I'll try to think of somewhere (relatively) roach free... or anywhere you've been meaning to try in PJ? :)

  14. no worries, will check my to-do list. i usually steer clear of PJ cos i can't tell my SS3 from my SS5, but i'm sure we can come up with someplace accessible and yummy :D

  15. Actually, I prefer their STEAM crab more. The best way to eat the chilicrab is to dip it with their toast bread (which u order as you eat). Eat the bread while it's hot and crispy dip with the goey sauce.. yumm...

    sometimes, we ask them to add extra sauce for us.. ;)

  16. to Sean:
    Cool! Just gimme a buzz/ Twitter DM when you are free then. I am usually free on Wed/ Thurs for dinner and weekends anytime.

    to chuletz:
    Actually I've never tried the steam crab there.... Will venture back - when I have the energy to fight the crowd again. ;)


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