Wednesday, February 03, 2010

London Photos (Part 4)

Desktop holiday for you... European Edition - London (Part 4)....

Some time during my trip... I felt like getting away from the maddening crowd (eg. here's the crowd at Oxford Street):
So many people, and on a weekday too!

There are quite a few parks in London, whether in the city or a bit further out... but decided to venture to Hampstead Heath.

- Arriving at Hampstead Heath (about an hour away by bus+train+foot):
One of the many parks in London....

- Snack attack... An interesting chocolate bar purchased along the journey:
... but why not? Such a sexist chocolate *lol*....

- Horses! (A circus was setting up in the vicinity):
Stay out!

- Large forest area to amble through:
So pretty.....

- Chilling out on the grass in one of the fields:

That's the last of my London photos I think....
*looks and sighs*
Damn. Wish I could go back soon.


- London 2009, Part 1
- London 2009, Part 2
- London 2009, Part 3
- OR go to J's Main Travel Page for more options. :)

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  1. Oh London, it is a crowded and dirty city I have been to while I am studying in UK. However, the night life there are so happening! I likey =)

  2. don't know if I'm able to go to London in the near future or not... since the princess is so hard to take care of

  3. LOL, yorkie is not for girls

  4. to qїǻόωзїz:
    So nice! - You studied in the UK.

    Well, I guess every city has some bad points... Luckily London has many positive things too! :)

    to thule a.k.a leo:
    Let grandma and grandpa take care of her! Better to go when she's still young... because there's no point taking her anyway - she won't remember it when she grows up! :)

    to QuiRkY-Malaysia:
    It's so funny, right? :)
    (I ate it though! Haha...)

  5. i like to lepak by the park. something that we are not able to do here because of the weather. and of course, must bring some picnic food along. like wine! ok, that doesnt sound right. hehehehe....

  6. Hahaha... maybe it's got testosteron hormone as an ingredient.

  7. I am sure you had a fantastic adventure for the 3 weeks.

    At least now we know chocolate also can be sexist.

  8. to Nic (KHKL)
    Don't worry - does not make you sound alcoholic at all if your picnic food = wine......

    to QuiRkY-Malaysia:
    Aiyoh, I hope not! - I did eat the chocolate after all and I like being feminine...

    to NyonyaChef:
    Yeah, but it's sexist and delicious so not so bad - as opposed to sexist ppl who are (most times) pretty irritating.
    (Now the problem is that I had too good a time - so tempted to go back soon even though I am broke now)


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