Monday, March 12, 2007

A Glimpse of Florence

aka. J the Chocoholic's trip to Italy Part 2 - Florence! (Note: Very photo heavy post)

Second stop - FLORENCE!
The Piazzale Michaelangelo (Michaelangelo Square):
At the scenic Michaelangelo Square, just outside the main Florence city area.....

The view of Florence city from Michaelangelo Square.....

The Duomo Santa Maria del Fiore (Basilica of Saint Mary of the Flower):
Third biggest cathedral in the world.....

The Palazzo Vecchio (Old Palace):
Narrow alleys on the way to the Palazzo and the Main Palazzo Area.....

The Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge):
The historic Old Bridge, by day and night.....

On the Old Bridge, checking out the famed goldsmith/ jewellery shops.....

The Galleria degli Uffizi (Uffizi Gallery):
The Uffizi Gallery (which used to be a palace) by day and night.....

There you have it!
A mini desktop escape to a faraway land.
(I hope that helped with your Monday blues somewhat)


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  1. nice , pictures.......hahah, J I didn't think it was in you, to put up a full frontal nudity picture haha. :D

  2. Awr Maaan, Florence looks awesome! I just gotta get there.

  3. to b:
    Hey, that statue of a man showing his wee wee is not "full frontal nudity"....
    It's ART!

    to donkeyblog:
    Do go!
    Well... the forex hurts a little but still, Florence is a nice place to visit.

  4. hahah, I wana become an "artiist"

  5. to b:
    Well, why not?
    Looks like it could be fun, right?
    (Go, B!)


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