Monday, May 24, 2010

Yudi, Shanghai Jazz @ No Black Tie, KL

Amazing blast from the past....

After hearing Yudi Yap sing a few songs at Torch Song Massacre, I was enthralled.... so, when I found out that she was starring in a Shanghai Jazz performance at No Black Tie, I jumped at the chance to hear her again:
The foliage covered entrance to No Black Tie...

My goodness it was packed!:
(I was lucky I booked my table early enough - there were many people who still insisted on paying the cover charge to enter, even if it was standing room only. Some people even ended up sitting on the staircase inside....)
The band warms up as the crowd waits impatiently...

Although she can speak well in English, it's not her first language... So, Yudi mainly sang and spoke in Mandarin that night. Here's the thing though - my grasp of the Mandarin is BAD,... abysmal even.

Nonetheless, I still enjoyed the performance, a lot!*...
I'm sure it would have been better if I could fully understand the depth of the lyrics, but just listening to her smooth and seemingly effortless singing was magical - really felt like I was back in a classic lounge in the 60's.
(*LOL. The man from the group next to our table said he was surprised that "... so many of you young people also like this type of old singing ah?")

Yudi's singing was beautifully accompanied by the talented Tay Cher Siang (brilliant pianist, and he arranged the music too!):
Beautiful voice paired with beautiful music ...

Of course the experienced band members were fantastic too - they too made everything seem so effortless and easy:
- Salvador Guerzo (tenor sax),
- Valentino Soliano (bass), and
- Rizal Soliano (drums).

Lastly, a photo of me with Yudi:
(She's so slim and petite! - made me feel like a fat giant...)
Yudi - you are amazing! :)...

Sorry but the performance was only for 2 nights (a few weeks back already)... but just posting this up as a small homage to Yudi. :)
(And also so you know to look out for her next performance! I know I will...)

- Couldn't find much on her online (profile, etc)... just this article from 2009.

Summary Information:
No Black Tie @ Jalan Mesui, KL

Opening Hours: (approx.) 6pm till late
Phone: 03-2142 3737
Address: 17, Jalan Mesui, Off Jalan Nagasari, Kuala Lumpur
Website: Click here


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  1. pls lah.. u look pretty darn skinny urself too OK?!! :P

  2. Oh thanks, baybeh. You are so kind to me! *hugs*

    J <--- body self image fail?

  3. Sounds like a pretty good performance. Love local talents

  4. to qwazymonkey:
    It was... *dreamy far off look*
    Her voice is amazing.... :)


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