Wednesday, October 21, 2009

More Paris Photos

Desktop holiday for you: European Edition - wandering around Paris (Part 2)....

(Wow, I actually got around to updating on the 2nd batch of photos!)

Visiting all the major (and typical) Tourist attractions....
1) A beautifully sunny day at the Eiffel Tower:
The Eiffel.....

There are different prices for entering the Eiffel Tower, with the ticket for going right to the top priced at Euro 13.
(So, I decided to give it a miss... especially since I didn't have anyone to share the view with *EMO* Haha...)

Check out the heavily armed man guarding the Eiffel from all the evil tourists! *lol*:
" I'm watching you!" *grrrrrr*.....

Hmmmm... Do I look dangerous enough to warrant such heavy artillery? :)

2) Walking by the Seine river (perfect on a sunny day!):
The scenic Seine.....

It was such a beautiful day that I decided to take a stroll along the famous Seine river... There were many people enjoying the weather there too - whether (also) taking a walk around, chilling out by reading a book or sunbathing at the side of the river. :)

3) Next, the Notre Dame cathedral:
The famous Notre Dame.....

It was a dark and very atmospheric inside, with really beautiful stained glass windows:
Holy ground.....

The elaborate Gothic facade and interior were really awe-inspiring....
(...but still, my favourite cathedral is still the Unfinished Cathedral in Spain - I love the natural inspirations behind the design)

4) Inside the pantheon (originally a church!), checking out the giant pendulum:
Science rocks!.....

Wah - this pendulum (specifically, the Foucault pendulum) is 67 meters long! and it's quite cool although the exact physics of how it works are completely lost on me.
(Apparently it caused quite a lot of shock/ sensation when it was first put together in 1851 - Even though it was already published before that the world does revolve, probably not many people really believed it because you couldn't actually see it happen).

5) The Arc de Triompe:
The arc looks very unassuming in daylight, but becomes really beautiful at night especially when complemented by the lights of the large tree lined Champs-Élysées avenue:
Arty Lomo-like shot of the Arc.....

Pretty lights, at sunset.....

As I wandered around the area, I stopped to dream in front of the Louis Vuitton store (along Avenue des Champs-Elysees where a lot of the expensive top brands are):
Lust inspiring? Haha.....

(Apparently it's the biggest LV shop in Europe)
I know, *sigh* it's just all marketing fueled consumerism but the bags are really pretty! - it's not wrong that I wish I could have one, is it? *bats eyelids*

That's all for now but I should be able to round up 1 more post of Paris photos - if you're not too bored of them already? :)


- Paris 2009, Part 1
- Paris 2009, Part 3
- OR go to J's Main Travel Page for more options. :)

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  1. waiting for the plenty more pics from paris..wheres the snails?

  2. bring it on baby :) hahahaa... I don't mind looking at those photos.. timeless la!

    of course it's not wrong to own one LV... in fact, I bought one wallet for myself while in Milan too :)
    psst... I spent a lot buying LVs for my wifey, mom, dad, sis, aunt...

  3. to "Joe" who is constantly craving:
    OMG, I didn't eat a single snail while I was there!! How lah....?

    to thule a.k.a leo:
    Wah. So nice. Erm. Want to adopt me as a sister? :)

  4. I miss Paris a lot. Wonder when I can visit Paris again?

  5. I miss Paris a lot. Wonder when I can visit Paris again?

  6. to Tarts and Pies:
    I know what you mean - I just came back and I already wish I could fly back to Paris.
    (There's just so much to see, do and of course, eat! *grin*)

  7. my my..time for me to catch up on yr tht i'm in an office w high speed broadband.

    keep 'em pics comin!
    betcha miss ya nasi lemak tho rite?? ;p

  8. to thenomadGourmand:
    OK.... No problem. Next round of photos coming up asap! :)
    (Haha.. and yeah, there were definitely a few moments when I felt like "Hmmm, such cold morning - Would be so nice if I had a big ol' plate of steaming hot nasi lemak with yummy sambal and ayam goreng on the side.....")

  9. to Vampy:
    Me too! :( :(
    When was the last time you were there? Well, I hope you will be able to go there again soon. :)

  10. im surprised the soldier didn't jump u u cute asian hussy u.. :P

  11. Ooh, at least you managed to snap a photo of the Eiffel Tower before the G.I.Joes melt it down...

  12. to CUMI & CIKI:
    Jump on innocent, sweet lil' ol' me? I can't imagine why he would do such a thing!
    *J bats her eyelids*
    (Haha.. don't puke, dear...)

    to NyonyaChef:
    Lol. Yeah. :) I was definately very lucky for that and the beautiful sunshine that day.
    (I'm very thankful! It was one of the last few days before gloomy autumn weather...)


Appreciate your thoughts, opinions and feedback. :)

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