Friday, January 08, 2010

London Photos (Part 3)

Desktop holiday for you... European Edition - London (Part 3)....

If there's one thing there's no shortage of in London, it's things to do. The one thing I was really, really looking forward to though, was enjoying my first real West End musical.
:) :)

Of course, I had to watch one of the classics - Les Misérables:
Now I am no longer a West End virgin. *lol*....

It was actually pretty packed inside that night, despite being a week night AND the show having run for about 24 years (such a long time!):
I sat in the upper tier.....

Ooh, it's starting! :) :)
Les Miserables - a dramatic story of love in the time of revolution.....

I couldn't take any photos while the show was on but I definitely enjoyed the experience - it's a classic story with love, death and lots of singing. :)

I just wish I could have afforded a slightly nicer seat because the (cheap) one I was at was kinda far from the stage so I couldn't really see clearly....

Anyway, I ended up catching another musical while I was there - just couldn't miss the new hit, Wicked:

My goodness, it was packed to the brim!:
Wah so many people.....

So cool, there's even a moving dragon on top of the stage!:
Sings, "ROAR"

I actually splurged for nicer (in other words, more expensive *sigh*) tickets for this show and did not regret it one bit - loved the show, LOVED it.
(Interesting storyline - an unusual twist on the Wizard of Oz, great songs, and the lead actress had an amazing voice!)

Oh man, I just wish I had more time (and money!)...
There are so many great musicals in London but I had to limit myself to 2 during my visit there. I just hope I can visit again soon so that I can scratch a few more off my "Want to watch!" list.


- London 2009, Part 1
- London 2009, Part 2
- London 2009, Part 4
- OR go to J's Main Travel Page for more options. :)

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  1. for the moment the Europe destination is definitely out of reach :(
    even though I am captivated by the photos that you have taken in Italy, France and UK

  2. musicals r the bomb, a pity none come over to perform!

  3. to thule a.k.a leo:
    It will be the perfect destination to bring Jenn for a romantic second honeymoon, don't you think so? :)
    (Thanks for the encouragement - actually, I was afraid I'll be boring all of you. Just that I love reading ppls travels so I thought I will share mine too!)

    to "Joe" who is constantly craving:
    Yeah. *sigh*
    I think the nearest they've ever come is Singapore.... :(
    (Altho, I think Annie came to KL once, many many moons ago....)

  4. you're not supposed to take photos in there you nortie gal! haha.. guts!

    I didn't even take any ever.. that I have ever seen.. Phantom tempts me like s*** everytime but i never take.. sigh.. hehe

  5. To ciki girl: haha... Well, I didn't take any photos while the show was on so I guess Im only a little bit notti. :)

  6. dang, would love to watch wicked, heard it's so good. sadly, i've only read the writer's other book- twisted tale of cinderella- which was very interesting too...

  7. to sc:
    Well, Wicked's only just been running for 3? years so there's plenty of time in the future! :)
    (Ooh. A twist on Cinderella? Sounds nice - will go check it out)


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