Friday, November 20, 2009

Italy 2009 Photos (Part 2)

Desktop holiday for you... European Edition - Italy Part 2....

As I thought about it, I realised how blessed I have been in my life - although my family is in no way rich, I have never had to go hungry/ worry about my next meal (yay!) and I have been able to travel the world a LOT due to my parents' wanderlust...

Case in point: In my lifetime, I have visited Italy twice already.
(It's a lot, right?)

I have grown to HATE going on tour groups though...
(J's usual inner monologue during tours group holidays: "Why are you feeding me Chinese food in Italy?? Whhhhhyyyyy??????")

So, in 2009 I managed to cross off a big item off my "to do" list - travel Europe properly (i.e. without being in a tour group). :)
(Mind you, it took a long time to save up.... as evidently, money does not grow on trees *sigh*)

Anyway, enough blablabla. Onwards to the photos!:

1. If you think KL roads are confusing, wait till you go to Rome.
A look at a part of a map of Rome.....

Really, really *PENING!*
(Already, map reading is not exactly my forte, but when the roads are all so "tak tentu arah" and wind-y... =_=)

2. Pyramids and castles in Romes.
Strange, there's a Pyramid (or as the Italians call it, Pyramide *lol*) in the city.....

Turns out its actually a tomb called the Piramide Cestia.... built in around 18bc.

3. At the Spanish Steps, a famous landmark in the main city area.
Hordes of humans.....

The Spanish Steps looks to be a popular lepak spot with locals and tourists alike - could be because it is quite near the major shopping area of via Condotti.
(Where all the upmarket brands like Louis Vuitton and Gucci are)

4. One of the highlights of my trip in Rome - a 400 year old library called Biblioteca Angelica.
Inside the library (shhhhhh....)....

Check it out! - the books there look old enough to crumble. I wish I could understand what's written inside though but it's all in Italian/ Latin....

Oh, and even cooler - there seems to be a secret door among the shelves...
Can you see the door?....

I wonder where it leads to? :)

5. A beautiful day at the Trevi Fountain.
More hordes of people checking out the famous fountain.....

6. Lastly, cooling down at one of the many Gelaterias near the Trevi Fountain.
My mini mountain of gelato.....

Can't get enough of the yummy Italian Gelato... :D
(Nothing better than pigging out on comfort food on a warm day, after walking around for so many hours....)

One more round of photos from Rome, then it's off to London....


- Italy 2009, Part 1
- Italy 2009, Part 3
- OR go to J's Main Travel Page for more options. :)

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  1. lucky gurl, dunno when i can go to dat part of the world :p

  2. Where's the Pasta and pizza pics? *ROFL* Indeed the trip of a lifetime;)

  3. to babe_kl:
    Well Paris will be a good start -the perfect romantic 2nd honeymoon location, don't you think so? :)
    (Quickly go hint to Cap'n Hook!)
    (If not then the 2 of us can go on a girls only backpacking trip without him! Haha...)

    to UnkaLeong:
    I was too excited and ate the pasta+pizza, so no photos...
    (Haha.. coming soon, I promise!)

  4. viva la roma! once, i walked all the way from vaticano back to roma. it was a fantastic (and long) walk. and yes, definitely no tour groups unless it's off the beaten track like some places in China. that one no choice la...haha. gosh, i miss italy!

  5. Yep, too many places to see to waste away on stuffy tour groups (though my parents would not travel any other way, bless them!) I haven't been to Italy (biggest FAIL surely!) though I count my blessings for having blown my savings countless of times on solo travel... now let's see if I can save up enough for my next one in say, another 5 years? :-S

  6. I remember I was somewhere at the Spanish Step taking shelter coz it was raining and freezing cold...have to protect the LV's !hehe

  7. to Nic (KHKL):
    Wah. How long did that take?
    Yeah... it's a nice place. Miss it already too... :( :(
    (Wish I could go back soon)

    to 550ml jar of faith @minchow:
    5 years sounds liks just about enough time for me to save up too. I wish we could have a Malaysian Floggers makan trip there. Would be so fun. :) :)

    to NyonyaChef:
    Well, just pass me the LVs next time. I can help you protect them. :P

  8. bravo! haha.... so did you try da baffeto or montecarlo pizza?

  9. to QuiRkY-Malaysia:
    I don't think so... What's that? :)

  10. you really really lucky dear!!!
    i want to go to italy too~~but it will surely burn a hole in both my pocket!!

  11. to My Taste Heaven:
    Trust me, it's not just that my pockets have holes in them now - they're both completely terhangus. Haha...


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