Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Torch Song Massacre @ The Annexe Gallery

Photo heavy post - Musical mayhem at the Annexe Gallery, KL....

"I want your love....
I want your revenge....
You and me could write a bad romance..."

(Bad Romance by Lady Gaga)

Last week, I watched a fabulous concert show at the Annexe Gallery (near Central Market) - Torch Song Massacre (Bad Romance Edition).

Milling about before the show:
Lots of interesting art pieces in the main gallery area...

A flyer:
Torch song massacre! :)...

Wow, look at those legs:

Our fabulous hostess with the mostest, Shelah:
Shelah strikes a pose...

She was AMAZING - had us all in stitches, laughing our guts out that night. Although her humour was definitely more on the raunchy side, she kept it clean(-ish) enough, with excellent comedic timing and topped with a good portion of crowd heckling. :)

First act - upbeat disco songs by Izlyn Ramli:
Disco fever...

Second act - wonderful acoustic performance by Alex Koh:

Aiyoh. Can die loh.
His voice is low (baritone?) and sooooooo smooth - can melt icebergs.

Next, another amazing performance - nostlagic retro Chinese songs by Yudi:
Lady in pink...

I found her amazing...
Not only would I kill to have curves like hers, but her voice was like a magic time portal - close your eyes and you could imagine yourself being serenaded in a classic lounge in the 60's.

She interacts with an audience member with the help of her trusty frilly pink wrap - va va voom:
Yudi says "rowr"...

The witty Will Quah:
Man with a sense of humour = sexy...

He sings too!
"You know I, even think it's kinda cute the way
You poison my coffee just a little each day..."...

(He sang a really funny but murderous song by Weird Al Yankovich called "You don't love me anymore")

An Adam Lambert wannabe from Singapore:
La la la laaaa...

Dramatic song by Melissa Saila from the P. Ramlee musical:
How could you, P. Ramlee??...

Next up, really funny Chinese songs by Wong Siew Jye:
"Oh, hungry ghooooooostsss..."....

Awesome Aaron Khaled, with his acoustic version of Alanis Morissette:
Simple but soulful...

Shelah decided to help jazz up his performance with some extra lighting :)
You light up my life...

The wonderful Vodka Vulvas - Zalina Lee, Ida Mariana and Maya Abdullah:
3 sexay ladies...

They even had the crowd dancing and singing along with them:
Unbreak my heeeaaaarrrtttt...

The last act - Shelah and that fella from Singapore again:
Wah, so tall!...

One last look at Shelah:
Statuesque in her hot red dress...

Everyone on stage at the end:
YAY! Great performance...

Finally, a photo of me with Shelah:
Aiyoh I feel so short...

I know I've posted this up a little too late for you to go and catch the show this year* (sorry!)... but please look out for it next year! - It was such a fun night out. :)
(Best invested RM35/ 40 for almost 3 hours of entertainment!)
(* It was only running for 3 days, Friday 9 April till Sunday 11 April 2010)
(Hmmm... actually, even if I had posted this earlier, it still doesn't help much because apparently they were almost completely sold out by Friday night)

Some more details here on this year's performance.

If anyone involved with Torch Song Massacre is reading this (whether you performed/ did the lighting/ designed the flyer/ etc.): Thank you so much for a fantastic performance - I enjoyed every minute!
(The 2 songs per performer format is genius - leaves you wanting more, which is great).

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  1. Sigh, I really wanted to go for this one but no one to go with. :-( Ah well, will look out for it next year.

  2. Saw 'Shelah' next day at KLCC. 'she's' loverly & talented. Will tell 'her' u said hi next time we meet. ;)

  3. to Lyrical Lemongrass:
    Ok. So now we have 2 on the list for 2011: Men in Tutus and Torch Song Massacre.

    I book you in advance for our "dates" ok? :)

    to Allan & Nigel:
    Oh cool.
    And tell her that I think she's fabulous too! Thanks, gorgeous! *hugs*...

  4. thank you so much for this post and thank you for sharing your time with us.
    love always :)

  5. to Edwin Sumun:
    Oh wow.
    No need to thank! *blush* - it was my pleasure...

  6. Hi, you actually shot me and my friends in the first picture and I've been an on and off follower of your blog!


  7. to Nicklaus Au:
    Oh wow. Awesome indeed! - what a small world...

    Nice to meet you. :)

  8. Indeed, nice to meet you too! :)

  9. to Nicklaus Au:
    I'll be watching Hotaru tonight. I wonder whether I'll accidentally take your photo again? Haha...

    (Just looked at your Flikr photostream - nice!)
    (Fuyoh. So many hot girls wan?)

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  13. to lina:
    (Sorry for the late reply)
    Yes, I do have twitter - @j_chocoholic.
    (Just signed up last year)

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  20. Honourable bye, sentimental chum :)

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