Wednesday, December 09, 2009

London Photos (Part 2)

Desktop holiday for you... European Edition - London (Part 2)....

I guess there are tourist-y things that the masses usually see in certain cities - case in point, the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace:
Looking at Buckingham Palace.....

I'm not kidding - there were HORDES of people:
So many humans.....

This is basically all I managed to see :(
(Aiyo - I'm 5'4" but that's so short by European standards):
Wow - the back of people's heads. Haha.....

I gave up soon after and was slowly walking away from the palace when I managed to catch a fairly good glimpse of the horse guards (Wah, they look so cool):
Not quite a knight in shining armour, but still good eye candy.....

I ambled down the road along the perimeter of Hyde Park, and came across a Queen's guard outpost.... Here's a slightly better look at one of them:
Like a statue.....

Couldn't get up closer though, because he was actually cordoned off with a spiky fence. Apparently no one's allowed to approach the Queen's guard anymore because one of them finally lost their cool after some harassment by a Colombian student.
(Ah well, I guess it was just a matter of time - the guards have undoubtably been suffering from years and years of patience testing from cheeky people....)

Here are some other icons of London I came across while walking around - the red telephone box, with the Big Ben clock tower in the background:
2 of the classic icons of London.....

Also, a slightly newer icon, the London Eye:
I love the sky in this shot.....

I don't want to overload you in one round so I'll save the rest of my London photos for another post lah. :)
(Hope you enjoyed this bunch though.... Happy Wednesday!)


- London 2009, Part 1
- London 2009, Part 3
- London 2009, Part 4
- OR go to J's Main Travel Page for more options. :)

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  1. London.. lol!! Actually my wife and I planned to go there last year to attend her brother's graduation ceremony... but she got pregnant in the process.. hahahah!!!

  2. LOL..we have overlap! almost like i was there witchu but not:P

  3. to thule a.k.a leo:
    Leo! Your planning fail lah..... :P

    to CUMI & CIKI:
    I wish that was the case that we had been in London at the same time - we would have definitely painted London a rockin shade of red together. :) :)

  4. I didn't care much for the changing of the guards, but when rif went to London with me, he insisted we go watch. He got to watch everything because he's 6 feet tall. I saw the back of people's head only.

  5. to Bangsar-bAbE:
    Haha... Well, it's all about give and take in a relationship, right? :)

  6. You must admire them for standing so still so long

  7. to backStreetGluttons:
    Definitely! :) I don't think I could do it.....

  8. to UnkaLeong:
    Thanks. :)
    The sky there is so erratic though! One moment beautiful, the other gloomy and depressing.....

  9. So typical of London anyway...and the same with Duesseldorf now.

  10. to The Innovative Baker:
    Well, its what gives London its unique character, I guess! :)


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