Thursday, July 08, 2010

Taming Of The Shrew - A Bollywood Caberet @ PJ Live Arts, Jaya 1

A Shakespearean classic, Bollywood style! :)....

Went to watch Taming of The Shrew last night with PG, Derek and Zen...

I have heard nothing but good things so far from those who have watched it, so I guess my expectations were kinda high.... but yeah, I walked away feeling conflicted.

- One of the colourful posters:
Vince Chong in a 'fro...


1) I am a huge fan of Gavin Yap's work so far, and this is the first time I am watching him venture into something fairly lighthearted (vs productions like Frankestein In Love and Fastest Clock In The Universe.

2) Anrie and Wai Hoong are both friends of friends, and they are (as far as I know) really nice people.

3) Vince Chong was amazing! The man is a chameleon! - transitioning almost seamlessly from role to role.

4) Generally speaking: Adaptions of classics are good, because it may spark interest and get people reading (in this case) Shakespeare... and the local arts scene needs support to improve/ develop.

- The hotness of Anrie and Wai Hoong:
Photo is a bit fuzzy unfortch but PWOAR. They were hot, hot, HOT...


1) Great costumes & dancing + OK acting overall. However, the storyline was lacking, with viewers given no exibits/ reasons for why the Shrew can fall so madly in love with the Prince who does nothing but abuse her and make a fool of himself (which may in a way, may be staying true to the famous but controversial Shakespearean tale -still, it's hard to understand/ relate to in this day and age).

2) The sound system muffled the singing! - I have heard Zalina Lee sing before and yesterday, she just sounded good, not great as she usually is. :(

3) (This is just me being whiney) The hard, plastic-y PJLA chairs are so uncomfortable.

- Wedding scene:
In the church...

Am I saying that you shouldn't watch it? Of course not!
It's really not bad at all.

In fact, the singing & dancing are fun and infectious - you'll be tapping your feet and clapping along for sure (I know I did)... Also, there are a few really laugh out loud, rib tickling moments. :)

Just please, please don't expect too much as I did or you will be disappointed.

Oh, but with that being said: If you are a hardcore feminist, please avoid this like the plague... or you may start throwing chairs and go on a rampage by the end of the show.
(You have been warned)

- Fantastic feathery finale:
Spectacular, colourful ending...

In short (IMHO):
Worth a watch but don't go in with super high expectations*.
(* Like how I did...)

Overall it was a good effort but could have been better - nice costumes, entertaining dancing, good singing (hampered by bad sound system quality). The storyline just needs a bit of tweaking, to help people understand better on why a slightly maladjusted, hot tempered girl can suddenly change and submit to a guy who does nothing but abuse her.

Here are the details of the play:
(Recommended for mature audience aged 18 and above only)

Director: Reza Zainal Abidin
Writer: Gavin Yap
Music: Daniel Veerapan
Dance Choreographer: Pat Ibrahim
Costume: Steven Sunny

For the first time ever in Malaysia, Shakespeare is given a Bollywood twist in the localized adaptation of the Taming of the Shrew, a Bollywood-inspired cabaret which depicts the courtship of Petruchio, an Indian Prince who needs money and likes challenges, and Katherine, a tough and headstrong “shrew” who runs her successful, Chinese family’s money-lending business.

(In alphabetical order! To be fair....)
- Actors: Aanantha, Sham Sunder Binwani, Vince Chong, Junji Delfino, Joey Ghazlan (aka. Joey G.), Joanne Kam, Anrie Too, Ash Nair and Wong Wai Hoong.
- Chorus Singers: Maya Tan Abdullah, Maria Gomez and Zalina Lee.
- Dancers: Kellyn Cheah, Pamela Chong, Casslyn Kek, Loh Wei Jun, Fawzi Sukoman and Vito Yap.

Venue: PJ Live Arts (PJLA)
(First Floor, Block K, Jaya ONE, Section 13,
72A Jalan Universiti, 46200 Petaling Jaya)

Ticket Price:
- RM 85/ 105 (adults)

Dates: 25 June – 11 July 2010
Time: 8.30pm daily and also 3pm on Sundays (No show on Mondays)

Ticket info:
- go to PJ Live Arts at Jaya ONE,
- call +603 7960 0439, or
- email

If you want more details, here is the PJLA official website.

Hope you like it! :)

- As Suanie Sees It
- Oh My WTF!
- The Daily Chili

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  1. no comments on this.. coz not really a fan of live arts!
    Sorry :)

  2. Ya, I agree with you on the sound system and chairs. It has been like that with the other performances at PJLA too (the sound system, I mean. the chairs are a constant hehe). I enjoyed the performance, though. Very talented ppl out there.

  3. Looks interesting! And yes I heard goodstuffs abt it too.
    But hell i'm not payin & sittin thru hours of the show on a cheap plasticky chairs! Gimme a comfy cushioned one pls! ;)

  4. to thule aka leo:
    LOL. But you just commented! :)

    to Lyrical Lemongrass:
    Stupid chairs - with discomfort that slowly creeps up and hits you around the half an hour mark...

    to thenomadGourmand:
    Haha... but well, the show is enjoyable... Just bring your own cushion? :)

  5. yeah i enjoyed the show, but felt something was lacking at the end of it. maybe like you said, had too high expectations. everytime the "korean guy" quipped "i love you" i can't help but laugh...

    if you think those chairs are bad, the ones at actor's studio in lot10 are 10x worse...

  6. to epicurious girl:
    ... and did you see the way he can make his chest muscle bounce?? I was AMAZED. :D

    (Yeah the Actor Studio seats are pretty bad too... but at least there is a thin cushion... Oh, the side seats just behind the pillars are really TERRIBLE though. I can't believe they can sell them for the same price...)


Appreciate your thoughts, opinions and feedback. :)

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