Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Paris Photos

Desktop holiday for you: European Edition - wandering around Paris (Part 1)....

Talk about A.D.D./ being easily distracted! I haven't even finished posting up my Siem Reap photos and here I am skipping to my Paris ones... :)
(Erm, you don't mind though, do you?)

First stop: the Montmarte area....
1) Classic tourist attraction at the foot of Montmarte - the Moulin Rouge:
Can can?....

Situated in the midst of the Montmarte/ Pigalle (red light district!) area, this famous caberet doesn't look very impressive by day...
(Apparently it looks better at night when all the lights are on, and the windmill starts spinning....)

2) The classic art nouveau styled Metro sign!:

I love how pretty the sign is.... but I do wish they installed escalators into the metros though... Walking up and down all those stairs (especially with my luggage since I was on a budget) really did horrors to my knees.
(OMG, I cannot deny it anymore - I am OOOOOLD.....)

3) Space invaders spotted!:

Word is that a creative artist (nickname: Invader) started tagging walls in Paris with these cute tile designs (sort of like mosaic graffiti) and now, even the French government is trying to protect it as artwork.... :)

4) The main square on top of Montmarte:
Artists amongst the hustle and bustle.....

Was told that Montmarte has always been the Bohemian/ arty part of town and has remained so (even though in this case it smells a bit of "tourist trap")....

5) The famed Sacre Couer on the peak on Montmarte:
The Sacre Coeur.....

Hmmm, apparently the French originally didn't like this relatively new cathedral (because it looks like a big, white wedding cake), but I think it looks ok.... :)

Many, many, MANY winding steps to go up to the top of the Sacre Couer:
1 step, 2 steps,... ad infinitum.....

It's free to enter the main areas of the Sacre Couer, but you have to pay Euro 3.00 to go up to the tower... and there are NO SHORT CUTS! :)

Wah! Look at the view though... :):
Looking out from the top of the cathedral.....

It was a bit misty/ smoggy? that day but if you squint, you can see the Eiffel tower from up there

6) Oh, if you want, here's a closer look at the Eiffel Tower for you (from the next day):
The Eiffel.....

Ok. I'll stop here for round 1. :)
(Hopefully I get around to Round 2 soon before I get completely distracted)


- Paris 2009, Part 2
- Paris 2009, Part 3
- OR go to J's Main Travel Page for more options. :)

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  1. That's a nice shot of the Eiffel Tower. Now I'm missing Paris already...boohoo.

  2. Paris my dream destination ! Lucky you ! Please show more.

  3. to Lyrical Lemongrass:
    Thanks... :) :) :)
    (That means a lot coming from you! *beams with pride*)

    to NyonyaChef:
    Yes sir. :)
    Will try to sort through my 1000+ photos quickly and post it up for you.

    to CUMI & CIKI:
    *sigh* I miss it already.
    Funny I get the feeling that Paris is very much a "love it or hate it" place though. :)
    (So far most ppl I meet seem to fall into either of these 2 camps and nothing in between!)

  4. definitely on my places to visit list. Lovely pics!

  5. to UnkaLeong:
    I'm still trying to figure out my little Lumix, but for sure cannot compare to the DSLR gang's photos! Haha... :)


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