Tuesday, November 09, 2010

I Survived Uniqlo KL

What a day....

My mum saw the Uniqlo ads in the newspaper and wanted to go check it out**, so I thought I'd bring her there on Friday morning, since it was a public holiday....
(** She wanted to get a fleece jacket)

I had (mistakenly) thought that since the first day opening madness was over, it shouldn't be too crowded since there's no contest anymore and it was the long weekend (so a lot of people should be out of town).

Well, I was so VERY wrong. Look - Here is 1/3 of the line to get into Uniqlo that day:
OMG (Patience is a virtue?)...

(This photo was taken at about 12noon, after we got out of the store - Crazy, right?)

I was "lucky" because we got there around 10 sharp and the line wasn't quite that long yet... but it still took about 1 hour to get in.
(I heard that later, some people lined up for up to 3 HOURS!)
(Hmmm, I must say though, the Farenheit 88 security guards/ people from Uniqlo managed it very well - professional and calm, despite the slightly agitated and restless horde of people...)

After navigating around the hordes of people inside the shop**, we managed to get the fleece jacket that my mum wanted, and more:
(** Why some people would think that it is a good idea to tow all their little kids along and/ or hurtle around their babies(in prams) around in such a crowd baffles me. What? You are using them to help clear a path for yourself ah?)
Aiyo. Bought too many things!...

I only planned to get one fleece jacket for myself but ended up with 2,... AND a tshirt, and 3 leggings, and a Dragonball tshirt for a friend.

While some of the discounts were really good (RM 49.90 instead of RM 79.90 for the fleece jacket, and RM 49.90 instead of RM 99.90 for their jeans), I thought it was kinda mad how many people were trying to get into the shop.

What can I really say though? I was one of them too! Haha....
(For details on all their Opening Specials, you can check out their official website)

I am alive! (but poorer),

I started chatting with one of the friendly store managers inside the shop and he told me that they had to stay back till 4 AM to clean up after the opening on Thursday, because the whole place was in such a mess! Poor things.... :(
(Ganbatte Albert and the rest at Uniqlo. I really don't know how you all managed to keep so happy and chirpy despite only having about 4 hours sleep!)

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  1. Am puzzled to why shoppers flocked to UNIQLO? it's really not the only outlet that sells apparel of its kind. Kind of HISTORY REPEATING- KIMISAWA AND PRINTEMPT LAUNCH, MUN LOONG & METRO JAYA (then) SALES, IKEA OPENING and CURRENT JUSCO MEMBERS DAY!!!!
    We love Openings and Sales!!!

  2. speechless... HAHAHAHAHAHA

  3. well its cheap but NOT free right? i dont understand the hype!

  4. Haha... looks like the economy & people's spending power is booming!
    Even if it's free, i dont think i hv the patience to queue 3 hours - crazy!

  5. lots u bought!

    the first day lagi teruk. the queue was superrrrrr....!
    i didn't get to go. bro went and bought really good stuff.

  6. to Brother B:
    Haha... I guess it's just because it's new to Malaysia? :)
    (Dunno... I wouldn't have gone if my mum didn't want to go...)

    to Ciki:
    That was my feeling when I saw how long the line had grown when I left Uniqlo. lol

    to "Joe" who is constantly craving:
    Haha... If they were giving free then maybe the line will reach until Sungei Wang.

    to PureGlutton:
    Yeah! 3 hours is waaaaaaaaaay too long.
    (1 hour lining up was more than enough for me...)

    to ai wei:
    I'm terrible - I only wanted one thing and in the end I "accidentally" bought too many things! *blush

  7. heheh ... i was driving out of a bkt bintang alley at night this week, and there was a traffic crawl largely due to a stream of people flowing out of fahrenheit! but being very, errm, unfashionable, i'm completely ignorant about uniqlo clothes and i wouldn't recognize them if i saw them :D

  8. Forgot to mention, we even Q for J Donuts....isn't that sweet (pun intended). ROFL

  9. to Sean:
    Haha.. Well, coulda fooled me - you look well dressed all the times that I've seen you. :)

    to Brother B:
    LOL :D
    ... but nowadays the lines are not very long already (at the Donut places)... I wonder how they are surviving?

  10. I really salute you gurl! Hehe but when I was younger, I used to queue for bargains too but not any more. No more strength for them now :p

  11. WAAAAA...salute!! I hate going to shopping malls...let alone queue up. =P

  12. Wow! That's a lot of people, I would've thought that after the launch day the crowds would die down, clearly not. Good choice going for fleece, I've recently bought a couple of fleece jumpers from there myself - great quality and some awesome prints to choose from!

  13. to babe_kl:
    It's not a case of age, it's just that I was too free I guess? Lol.
    (If my mum didn't want to go see it, I don't think I would have bothered actually. Hate lining up too....)

    to Bangsar-bAbE:
    Haha. This is not something I want to repeat often - so tiring!

    to Lee:
    There were HORDES of people! .. And yeah, had to ocntrol myself with the fleeces - so many pretty colours :)

  14. i went there yesterday and many people waiting for opening but at least no ques.LOts of leggings and jeans left. Did u use the vouchers?

  15. to saltvinegar:
    What vouchers? :)
    (I didn't have any... )

    .. but thank goodness you didnt have to "suffer" like I did! :)


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