Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chef Kit's Salt Baked Chicken @ Damansara Uptown, PJ

PJ people rejoice!: Yummy Ipoh style salt baked chicken in Damansara Uptown.....

I had actually eaten at this yummy restaurant in Damansara Utama (aka. Damansara Uptown) almost a year before, but carelessly forgot to blog on it (and lost the photos too!...):
Chef Kit's!..........

Lo and behold, it had undergone a face lift - now it looks much fresher, and is a much more comfortable place to dine (air conditioned). I remember that the restaurant name was different (Taste 2 Taste? Or something like that) but thankfully, it has retained its original management and (more importantly) food quality:
Simple, air conditioned and comfy interior..........

There is quite a limited array of different variations of the chicken (eg. quarter/ half/ one whole chicken with rice/ noodles/ different kinds of soup) and a couple of side dishes (simple fried vegetables, fried foo chook, soup wantans, etc) but no complaints - so far, everything I tasted there is yummy.

But there are also different rice and noodle dishes (eg. fried rice, Shanghai Tan Tan noodles, clay pot loh shuu fun, etc) that they serve on weekdays, so if you ever get bored of the chicken, there are still other options... :)

That day, we chose the Meal Set 1 (RM 19.90):
Set 1 (for 2 people)..........

This set is supposed to serve 2, and comes with:
- half a salt baked chicken,
- fried taugeh (beansprouts)
- deep fried wantans
- choice of either rice, noodles (wantan noodle, loh shuu fun, kuey teow, etc) served either dry or in plain or herbal soup.

They use Kampung Chicken (Village Chicken) which is supposed to be healthier than the normal mass produced farmed poultry... but it is also much smaller in size and generally has a tougher texture (supposedly because village chickens are more "fit" and less fat from all the running around *lol*):
A closer look at the chicken..........

Anyway, yes - the chicken was definitely a bit on the small size (I think I could have easily polished off the whole serving myself on a greedy day) but it was fairly tender and really tasty.
(Most salt baked chickens are just well, salty... but the one here has a really nice fragrance of herbs soaked well into the meat)

My favourite noodle here is the kuey teow (pictured here with the Herbal soup) - silky and springy without tasting starchy or synthetic:
Silky Ipoh Kuey Teow..........

The deep fried wantans were a little tiny but mmmmmmm - they were crunchy and delicious!
(The filling was little but flavourful - can taste a little bit of spices/ herbs which added a distinctive taste to this simple side dish)

There's also an interesting new drink on the menu - the pomelo juice (RM 3):
Pomelo juice..........

Overall it's ok. As the friendly boss lady explained, it tastes a little like 100 Plus but without the fizz (and not quite as sweet too) so it was pretty refreshing.

(Note: If you're coming at night, you are advised to call in earlier to "book" your chicken as they can run out... Oh, and now they are doing deliveries to selected areas too - please call to check whether they can send to you)

So, it's: Simple but comfortable coffeeshop setting, friendly service, really yummy salt baked chicken for reasonable prices BUT nothing to complain about really - menu is a bit limited (but what they do, they do well) and parking in that area can be a pain during peak hours on week days....

Summary Information:
Chef Kit's Salt Baked Chicken @ Damansara Uptown, PJ
(Just a bit up the road from before The Ship restaurant)

Opening Hours: 11am - 9pm
Phone: 03-77222172, 012-9697988
Address: No. 25, Jalan SS21/56B, Damansara Utama (Uptown), 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor


- (couldn't find any) :(

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  1. simple but good.. when r we going.. pout :p hehe

  2. you know, in Ipoh alone there are various imitators, but none that can live up to Aun Kheng Lim's hype.

  3. to CUMI & CIKI:
    Anytime dahling. ;)
    Just tell me when you are free for lunch.

    to J2Kfm:
    Hopefully can make a road trip to taste the famed salted chicken soon... Can you be our tour guide? :) :)

  4. just the right kinda food on those chilly, rainy days eh? dang, the rain has arrived in Singapore as well. sigh...

    oh, i lurveeeeeee kampung chicken! the meat is firmer and it really has that "chicken" taste. :D

  5. Droooooooool .... Pomelo juice? :-)

    Hor Fun looks great!

    Cheers, J!

  6. to Nic (KHKL):
    Yeah.... It's perfect cold weather food.

    Hey, if you haven't tried it before then let's go when you're next in KL lah. :)
    (Any excuse to go back for more chicken... haha)

    to Julian Si:
    It was nice. I'm sure Louise can whip something similar up if you miss Malaysian food. Hope the desert air is agreeing with you.

  7. have not eaten any salted baed chicken in klang valley since our last visit to Ipoh. Should ask my bf to bring me here, since he worls nearby :)

  8. to ~Christine~ Leng:
    Well, I hope you & your bf enjoy it. :) I don't know how it compares to the original Ipoh salt baked chicken though as I've never eaten it before...
    (Do tell me once you've tried, k? I'm really curious how it compares...)

  9. Time to go try this place already! I work so nearby, but never bothered to check the makan places along that row... =P

  10. My colleagues love to come here, but I prefer the yong taufu a couple shops down. Well to each his own.

  11. to Bangsar-babE:
    Hey, and you go 100s of km to other places! Haha...
    (Well, hope you like it when you try....)

    to qwazymonkey:
    Ooh, I like YTF too. Didn't know there was a place down the road - wanna do lunch some time?

  12. The Kueh Teow looks slippery smooth!

  13. to UnkaLeong:
    It was, it was! :) :) :)

  14. excellent points and the details are more precise than somewhere else, thanks.

    - Thomas

  15. to Thomas:
    No problem. I'm glad if I can be helpful. :)

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