Monday, February 05, 2007

The Kiss Goodbye

Ah, the salty taste of disappointment....

The Dinner

Klimt's is a cute little Austrian restaurant at the foot of the Damansara Heights area that has been around for ages....

The interior of Klimt.....

For years, I had always heard from friends about how great the food at Klimt's is and now when I finally make my way there, it really looks like I've completely missed the boat.

To be fair, the soups we started off with that night (Mushroom Soup and Beef Goulash Soup) were ok...
The Beef Goulash Soup and the Mushroom Soup

The serving size was a bit small but overall, both soups were nice: the texture was thick and they tasted deliciously wholesome.

However, the mains were a totally different story.
That night, we ordered funkily named Beef Something (sorry, sorry - the name's in a foreign language so it's slipped my mind) and the Klimt's platter:
The Beef Something and the Klimt's Platter.....

Z and I decided that if we had to rename the dishes to something more fitting with reality, his dish would be "Tasteless, Soggy Broiled Meat With Chinese Style Veggies" and mine would be "Variety of Dry, Overcooked, Oily and Salty Processed Meat Served with a Pickle".
(And mind you, the food there isn't cheap! The mains can range anywhere from about RM25++ to RM70++)

Maybe I'm just being a bit too quick to judge.

Apparently, the pasta and the fish dishes there are nice....
... but before you Klimt fans out there say that I'm being unfair, please consider this: Do you think that any normal person who tries out a restaurant for the first time and gets charged so much for such yucky food would EVER voluntarily go back to find out whether the rest of the food is nice?
(I think they desperately need to clean up their menu to make sure that there are no more total "bombs" on it)

Having been disappointed with the mains, I decided to cut my losses and NOT order dessert.
(So, sorry... no dessert piccies and review)

So, it's: Cosy, dimly lit "romantic" but simple ambience and nice soups BUT some real "bombs" on the menu and it's pretty expensive considering food quality and serving size.

Restaurant Review
Summary Sheet:

Klimt @ Damansara, KL

Taste: 4
Ambience : 5
Service : 5
Price** : RM 60/++ per person
Parking: OK

** Approximation - 3 course meal, excluding drinks

Telephone No.: 03-2092 1978
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12noon - 2.30pm, 6pm - 11pm,
Saturday: 6pm - 11pm,
Sunday closed


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  1. Blogger driving me round the bend, cannot seem to leave comments with my login.

    A tip to you on ordering at restaurants which are new to you - just ask them what are their specialties. If their specialties suck big time then it's a total write off. The way I do it is I gave you a chance to show me what you got but if it ain't brilliant, well sorry mate.


    P/s having said that, the escargots are nice at Klimts and so was their lamb, salmon strudel but then I haven't eaten there for the past few years so no idea if stds are the same even though the owner is still around.

  2. the food critic strikes again!

  3. hey keep up the good job! i've seen many food review blogs in M'sia and urs happen to be the best IMHO also my preferred. now i've got plenty of places to try out and i better get started...woo hoo!

  4. Yea I heard alot of bad reviews about this restaurant. That's why I never go there even though it's right opposite my working place. :-P

  5. to boo_licious:
    Thanks... that's a good tip!
    I suppose the problem I face most times though, is that if I ask the waiter whether what sounds interesting to me is good or not the standard answer is usually a very enthusiatic: "Yes, yes - nice! Also very popular...."

    So hard to get a good, honest opinion from the waiters nowadays.

    to wuching:
    Yes - restaurants and chefs had better fear, because J the evilly honest restaurant reviewer is here!

  6. I think your personal dish names are way too long for the menu hehehe ;) Ok, I know that wasn't the point haha

  7. to anonymous:
    Glad you enjoy my reviews.
    (What can I say? I enjoy eating. Haha)

    to tankiasu:
    Oh dear....
    That's bad if it's so near but you never bother to go there....
    I do hope they can improve though. Many of my friends who have eaten there before (although quite long ago) say that it is (or used to be) very nice so it's a real pity the food there seems to have gone downhill.

    to merv kwok:
    Cari pasal lah you.

  8. hi j, just stumbled across ur blog recently. went to klimt's last year, we had the escargot, fish and pasta which were good. but agreed, the sausages (which my fren ordered) was too salty for my tastebuds..

  9. hi, just came across ur blog recently. went to klimt's last year, we had escargots, pasta and fish which were good. tried the sausages too, agreed that it was bad..too salty for me..

  10. to sc:
    (And thanks for dropping by)
    Darn - now I really wish I ordered the fish that night... Everyone seems to say that it's good.
    Still, I had felt like sausages that night.
    (I totally agree with you - they are waaaaay too salty)

  11. haha hey don't we all do? ;)

  12. to anonymous:
    Well, hard to say bcos there are so many different kinds of people in the world!
    For example, I have friends who don't like eating chocolate and for me that's totally unthinkable!

  13. I've heard good things about this place though, shall try one of these days. ;)

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  37. to all the anonymous people:
    Erm. Sorry but I don't understand.
    (What language is this??)

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