Thursday, June 15, 2006

Cheapo's Delight

Tip for Poor Students/ Stingy People/ Tourists on Shoe-String Budgets in Melbourne, Australia:
In the city area and don't know where to get decent food for under 5 bucks?

Look no further!
Crown Casino, in an effort to lure more people, serves a selection of food (fish+chips/ beef burger/ chicken+chips) for only AUD$2 in it's Casino "Snack" areas!
(Offer only between 6am and 5pm, Sundays to Fridays)

Crown Casino From Afar

So cheap!
I won't lie to you though: The serving IS pretty small but heck, for 2 bucks a pop, just go ahead and order 2 servings or something la.

The Fish&Chips Served On A Classy Black Plastic Plate

Warning: Please stay away from gambling while you're there, unless really are THAT lucky or THAT good.... if not it will defeat the purpose of saving money (by buying this cheap food).

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  1. Yeah! I heard that students like to go to the Casino and end up losing their fees for the whole year.

  2. to Boo:
    Yeah... it's so sad, isn't it?
    And the thing is that typically those students are Asians.
    Is there something in our genes that makes us easily addicted to gambling or something?

  3. to b:
    *genes stirring*
    Y....Y... YES!

    Oh I just can't myself....


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