Monday, October 31, 2005

** Mum's The Word **


Am finally putting up the review.

'Tis about 2 weeks late.... but well,.. *shrug*.... I've been pretty busy.

Anyway, here goes....
(better late than never, right?)


The Dinner:

This week we went for the much awaited Nyonya dinner at Mum's Place in the Damansara Perdana area.
The food was pretty good.
Clever Sneexe had taken the liberty of ordering a selection of the restaurant's signature dishes in advance for us, so the food was served quickly.

And wow, what a variety of classic Nyonya dishes we had!
We sampled a range of goodies - yummy Chicken Curry Kapitan, pungeant Petai Fish, crispy Deep Fried Soft Shell Crabs, flavorful "Sang Har Mien" and much much more.
(Another dish we tried (for dessert) that I would recommend is the glutinous rice served with home-made kaya - simple yet satisfying...)

Everyone said that the Petai fish was really good.. but I wouldn't know.
(Petai - Eeee......! So smelly!)


I am so not true blue Malaysian.
Just can't bring myself to eat durian or petai....

Anyway, here are some piccies of the night:

The Restaurant

The Smelly Fish

Oodles of Noodles

2,000 Calories and Loving It

Dessert Ahead - Attack!


Ken Playing With Patrick's *coughcough* IPOD.

The JJ (Registered Trademark)

Overall, twas a good night.
We had some long lost visitors from out of state (JJ and Julian), one of which rudely pointed out that I had gained weight....
(you know who you are, you meanie!)
.... and met a few new people like Sneexe's friend who's one of the people behind, my favourite Malaysian food review site....
(Pssst, love your site, but please UPDATE more often lah....)
Dinner at the restaurant was a good experience - I really love the decor - it was eclectic, with wood carvings galore and a generous array of potted plants, giving it a cosy yet unpretentious ambience....

Restaurant Review
Summary Sheet:

Mum's Place@ Damansara Perdana

Taste: 7
Ambience : 7
Service : 7
Price** : RM 40/++ per person
Parking: Ample

** Approximation - 3 course meal, excluding drinks
Telephone No.: 603 - 7727 8443
Opening Hours: 11am - 11pm


The After-(Dinner) Party:

After piggin' out at Mum's Place, we took a relaxing walk to a near-by bar called Stream.
It looked OK for the outside... like a quiet bar with live band.

Unfortunately, what we got were:
  • A limited selection of drinks.... It was a very Hongkie style place,serving bubble teas and beer.
  • A mediocre live band consisting of one very bored looking female singer and an ok male singer playing a guitar/ synthesizer.
  • 2 drunk girls from a table-full of equally drunk people hijacking the stage and doing their rendition of popular Chinese songs (They even took a liking to Pat - glancing flirtatiously in his direction - *baffled* - what is it with Pat and (drunk) female singers??)
  • A fat chinese bloke (from said table of drunk people) wiggling his arse (aka. attempting to dance) (Aiiiiieeeee.... My eyes!!!!)

The Thinkers

The Couch Potatoes

Stream Cafe and Bistro @ Damansara Perdana

G-13, The Place, No.1 Jalan PJU8/5G,
Damansara Perdana, 47820 PJ.
Tel : 03 - 7729 0366

Opening Hours
Sun to Fri: 10.00am - 12.30am
Sat: 12.00noon - 1.00am

And that's a wrap, for now.
I'll try my best to post up the review on the japanese buffet soon.
Till then....

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1 comment:


    Penny For Your Thoughts

    Was I that blatantly rude..awww sorry to hurt your feelings. On the bright side, u r certainly enjoying life by the looks of it. I will bring back more kit kats for u okie.
    jules | 10.31.05 - 5:34 pm | #


    yay for emotional blackmail!

    bring on the Kit Kat!
    J | Homepage | 10.31.05 - 7:53 pm | #


    Muahahaha. U always have a soft spot for chocs. I will think abt your request. :p Happy Halloween
    jules | 11.01.05 - 5:55 am | #


    My one true weakness.

    I suppose the name of my blog makes perfect sense now, doesn't it?
    J | 11.01.05 - 8:47 pm | #


    Dang Joa, why did you put me and Jules as the suspects gurl? I got the entire world bashing me, thank god Jules cleared my name haha

    btw, I borrowed some pics and credited you. Even plugged your site as well!
    Jay Jee | Homepage | 11.06.05 - 9:08 pm | #



    Aiyah... didn't want to point finger directly at Julian mah..
    (Sorry you got caught in the crossfire)

    Anyway... Borrow away. Site plugging is great too.

    (Carry on the good work, ol' chap)
    J | Homepage | 11.07.05 - 8:15 am | #


Appreciate your thoughts, opinions and feedback. :)

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